

We are active in the market since 2001. We have several services to offer to our esteemed clients. We are a team of technical analysts, dedicated to research and study the market behavior with technical analysis.

The intraday levels posted free on the blog, is a very small part of the research report which we provide to our clients every evening. This report consists of all the Nifty fifty shares, with four levels.

Apart from this, we provide some stocks with good volume and momentum with Buy / Sell recommendations. Also views for short & medium term are given. We offer an in-depth analysis of the market and its impact on stocks, general idea & mood of the market with momentum stocks.

We advice our clients on specific queries raised on specific stocks held by them or intend to buy / sell with of course short & medium term targets and stop loss. This whole package comes with nominal fees, which is as good as a daily routine expense of an average man. The fee charged, is only to ensure the seriousness of the trader towards trading with discipline and consistency.

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